—Student Work—

Kim Jong Un consistently makes headlines and steals the world’s attention away from North Koreans who truly need it. LINK is a non-profit that has stepped in to help the people of North Korea escape to start a new life free from the rule of a dictator.

Our solution? Create a faux travel campaign to help people experience an isolated country.

CW: Julius Im



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There are no connecting flights to North Korea, so we’ll help travellers connect to the reality of the people there.

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With our AirBnB partnership, people will get to experience a restrictively cozy home living in North Korea.


Using sensors, our interactive boards will address passersby and prompt them to sit down in a booth and have a personal chat with a North Korean escapee.



LINK will partner with Brandon Stanton, creator of Humans of New York, to do an exclusive interview series that focuses on the people we help to escape from North Korea.